The Global Field Experience (GFE) Financial Award is a unique scholarship offered by the Rollins School of Public Health. GFE Financial Awards provide supplemental funding to support Rollins student summer field experiences in low- and middle-income countries. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage students interested in global health to participate in supervised field training which will facilitate the transfer of classroom knowledge into practical experiences.
The total amount of funding awarded each cycle will be based on availability of funds in a given year, the number of students who apply and the quality of the applications.
Questions? Contact Us.
Deb McFarland: General GFE Inquiries:
What methods will you use to achieve the objectives of the project? Be specific. All applications are not necessarily research proposals, but you still must have methods to achieve your objectives.
Upload a letter of invitation from the organization with which you will be affiliated during your summer field experience. It is important that a discussion of the following points and any necessary negotiations happen early during the program development stage and not merely as a technicality for the proposal submission.
The letter should include:
Statement that the organization knows about and approves your project and the timing of your fieldwork.
Statement of value that your project will have for the organization/community and any agreement of expectations for what you will provide as deliverables for your project or during your fieldwork.
Statement of whether local IRB/ethics committee approval is required and if so, whose responsibility it is to complete this and when it will be submitted.